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ECB Forum on Central Banking 2021

Beyond the pandemic: the future of monetary policy

Online event, 28 and 29 September 2021

Conference moderation: Claire Jones, Financial Times

Highlights from the 2021 Forum

Photos from the event

We added images to this Flickr album throughout the Forum.

Flickr album


Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Introductory speech

Christine Lagarde, President, European Central Bank


Session 1: Micro and macroeconomic perspectives on corporate indebtedness


Corporate Insolvency Rules and Zombie Lending

Victoria Ivashina, Professor, Harvard Business School (together with Bo Becker, Professor, Stockholm School of Economics)

Discussant: Simeon Djankov, Director, Financial Markets Group, London School of Economics

Chair: Luis de Guindos, Vice-President, European Central Bank


Corporate indebtedness and macroeconomic stabilisation from a long-term perspective

Moritz Schularick, Professor of Economics, Sciences Po and University of Bonn

Discussant: Egon Zakrajšek, Senior Adviser, Monetary and Economic Department, Bank for International Settlements

Chair: Fabio Panetta, Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank


Panel 1: The future of inflation

  • Charles Goodhart, Professor Emeritus, London School of Economics
  • Gita Gopinath, Economic Counsellor and Director of the Research Department, International Monetary Fund
  • Francesco Lippi, Professor, Luiss Guido Carli University

Chair: Isabel Schnabel, Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank

End of day 1
Wednesday, 29 September 2021

Session 2: Structural change and the implications of climate change for monetary policy


Productivity and business dynamics through the lens of COVID-19: the shock, risks and opportunities

Chiara Criscuolo, Head of Productivity Innovation and Entrepreneurship Division, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Discussant: John Van Reenen, Professor, London School of Economics

Chair: Luis de Guindos, Vice-President, European Central Bank


Climate policies and monetary policies in the euro area

Warwick McKibbin, Professor, Australian National University (together with Beatrice Weder di Mauro, Professor, Graduate Institute, Geneva and Maximilian Konradt, PhD Student, Graduate Institute, Geneva)

Discussant: Anna Breman, Deputy Governor, Sveriges Riksbank

Chair: Frank Elderson, Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank


Panel 2: Monetary policy, employment and inequality

Chair: Philip Lane, Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank


Policy panel

  • Andrew Bailey, Governor, Bank of England
  • Haruhiko Kuroda, Governor, Bank of Japan
  • Christine Lagarde, President, European Central Bank
  • Jerome H. Powell, Chair, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Moderator: Alessandra Galloni, Editor-in-Chief, Reuters


Young economists’ award announcement and closing remarks

This programme may be subject to change without notice.

General information

Conference language



ECB Forum on Central Banking
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+39 377 979 2264 info@ecbforum.eu

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ECB Forum on Central Banking

The ECB Forum on Central Banking is an annual event organised by the European Central Bank and is ordinarily held in Sintra, Portugal.

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