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Breaking bias to build a more gender-equal world

How can we break biases in different aspects of our lives? What do we need to create a more equal world for all?

Our President Christine Lagarde and LSE Director Minouche Shafik share their experiences and discuss the impact gender bias has on education, home life, the workplace and leadership in this episode of The ECB Podcast.

The views expressed are those of the speakers and not necessarily those of the European Central Bank.

Recorded on 23 February 2022 and published on 5 March 2022.

In this episode
#BreakTheBias in education

Why there is still a lack of gender equality in economics, and what needs to be done to foster women’s access to certain professions.

#BreakTheBias at home

How the pandemic has affected women at home, the threat it poses to gender equality in the future, and what we can do to ensure a more inclusive society.

#BreakTheBias in the workplace

What the pros and cons are when it comes to flexible working arrangements for women, and why gender parity at work is important.

#BreakTheBias in leadership

President Lagarde and LSE Director Minouche Shafik share their advice for aspiring female leaders on dealing with obstacles and overcoming hurdles.

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