Għażliet tat-Tfixxija
Paġna ewlenija Midja Spjegazzjonijiet Riċerka u Pubblikazzjonijiet Statistika Politika Monetarja L-€uro Ħlasijiet u Swieq Karrieri
Issortja skont
© Maria Rita Quitadamo/ECB
Mhux disponibbli bil-Malti

Main Refinancing Operation-Allotment

Reference Number:
Transaction Type:
Operation Type:
Tender Date:
10/07/2018 11:30:00
Time for Submission of Bids:
Start Date:
Maturity Date:
Duration (days):
Auction Type:
Fixed Rate:
0 %
% of All. at Fixed Rate:
Tot Amount Allotted:
1909.6 mn
Weight. Avg. Allot. Rate:
Tot Bid Amount:
1909.6 mn
Tot Number of Bidders:
Announcement info:
Estimate on 09/07/2018 of the average autonomous factors for the period 09/07/2018 to 17/07/2018 amounts to EUR 1310.6 bn. Benchmark allotment based on the ECBs liquidity forecast as of 09/07/2018 amounts to EUR -654.0 bn. For general information on the calculation of the benchmark allotment amount, please see www.ecb.europa.eu/mopo/liq/html/index.en.html as well as ECB page Operational Communications. 
Allotment info:
Estimate on 10/07/2018 of the average autonomous factors for the period 09/07/2018 to 17/07/2018 amounts to EUR 1299.7 bn. Benchmark allotment based on the ECBs liquidity forecast as of 10/07/2018 amounts to EUR -571.0 bn. For general information on the calculation of the benchmark allotment amount, please see www.ecb.europa.eu/mopo/liq/html/index.en.html as well as ECB page Operational Communications. 

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