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Insurance corporation statistics

Insurance corporations are financial intermediaries which offer direct insurance or reinsurance services, providing financial protection against hazards. Under an insurance policy, the insurance corporation agrees to compensate the policyholder for losses caused by a pre-defined event against a fee, or “premium”.

The ECB collects statistical data on the balance sheets and other financial information of insurance corporations to analyse the financial system and household wealth. This is important because insurance corporations and insurance policies play a key role in financial markets and are a cornerstone of financial security for many European households.

This dataset combines data on insurance corporations in euro area countries in one harmonised set of statistics.

Data on insurance corporations are divided into three sections: (1) balance sheet (assets and liabilities), (2) premiums, claims and acquisition expenses, and (3) large insurance groups.

Latest developments


Data on insurance corporations’ assets and liabilities are available in the ICB dataset. Data are updated every quarter.

Data on premiums written, claims incurred and acquisition expenses of insurance corporations are available in the ICO dataset. Data are updated every year.

Overview charts

This section includes a set of charts for quick reference and country comparison covering the assets and liabilities of insurance corporations presented as outstanding amounts and transactions.

Additional data breakdowns are published on the ECB Data Portal, under assets and liabilities of insurance corporations

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