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Key euro area indicators

The euro area data shown on this page correspond to the economic and financial variables described on the International Monetary Fund's Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (DSBB).

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Last updated: 05/10/2024 11:58

SDDS Data Category and Component Unit Description Observations Growth rates More info
Period of latest data Latest Previous Previous period 1 Annual 2


1.  % change from previous period to latest period
2.  % change from same period last year to latest period
3.  Data refer to the changing composition of the euro area
4.  Holders resident in the country whose government has issued the debt. Intergovernmental lending in the context of the financial crisis is consolidated.
5.  Includes residents of euro area countries other than the country whose government has issued the debt.
Real sector              
National Accounts               
Current price GDP by expenditure category              
GDP at market prices € billions (SA) Q2/24 3,739.6 3,716.8 0.6 3.6  
Household final consumption expenditure € billions (SA) Q2/24 1,984.3 1,978.0 0.3 3.2  
Government final consumption expenditure € billions (SA) Q2/24 803.2 795.8 0.9 4.9  
Gross fixed capital formation € billions (SA) Q2/24 765.3 781.0 -2.0 -1.3  
Change in inventories € billions (SA) Q2/24 -11.6 -21.3 - -  
Exports of goods and services € billions (SA) Q2/24 1,903.0 1,865.1 2.0 2.3  
Imports of goods and services € billions (SA) Q2/24 1,704.5 1,681.8 1.3 -1.2  
Volume of GDP by expenditure category (in previous year's prices)              
GDP at market prices 2015 (SA) Q2/24 111.0 110.8 0.2 0.6  
Household final consumption expenditure 2015 (SA) Q2/24 111.2 111.3 -0.1 0.5  
Government final consumption expenditure 2015 (SA) Q2/24 108.5 107.8 0.6 2.1  
Gross fixed capital formation 2015 (SA) Q2/24 103.7 106.1 -2.2 -3.0  
Exports of goods and services 2015 (SA) Q2/24 121.5 119.8 1.4 1.7  
Imports of goods and services 2015 (SA) Q2/24 116.4 115.9 0.5 -1.1  
Industrial Production Index (excluding construction) 2021=100 (SA) Jul/24 96.4 96.7 -0.3 -2.2  
Employment Persons (PERS) thousands (SA) Q2/24 170,126.6 169,779.2 0.2 0.9  
Unemployment - Level Persons (PERS) thousands (SA) Aug/24 10,925.0 11,018.7 - -  
Unemployment - Rate (percentage of labour force) Percent (SA) Aug/24 6.4 6.4 - -  
Hourly labour costs index 2020=100 (SA) Q2/24 115.9 114.7 1.0 4.6  
Consumer Price Index (HICP, harmonised index) 3 2015=100 Sep/24 126.6 126.7 0.0 1.8  
Producer Prices Index, domestic sales (excluding construction) 2021=100 Aug/24 124.9 124.2 0.6 -2.3  
Fiscal sector               
General Government operations              
Revenue (percentage of GDP) Percent Q1/24 46.4 46.4 - -  
Expenditure (percentage of GDP) Percent Q1/24 49.9 50.0 - -  
Of which interest payable (percentage of GDP) Percent Q1/24 1.8 1.8 - -  
Of which investment (percentage of GDP) Percent Q1/24 3.3 3.3 - -  
Balance (percentage of GDP) Percent Q1/24 -3.5 -3.6 - -  
General Government debt              
Gross outstanding debt Percent 2023 88.2 90.5 - -  
Debt in euro (percentage of GDP) Percent 2023 87.4 89.5 - -  
Debt in currencies other than euro (percentage of GDP) Percent 2023 0.8 1.0 - -  
Held by domestic creditors (percentage of GDP) 4 Percent 2023 49.7 52.9 - -  
Of which MFIs (percentage of GDP) Percent 2023 36.5 40.1 - -  
Of which other financial corporations (percentage of GDP) Percent 2023 8.5 9.2 - -  
Of which other resident sectors (percentage of GDP) Percent 2023 4.8 3.7 - -  
Debt held by other creditors (percentage of GDP) 5 Percent 2023 38.5 37.6 - -  
Financial sector 3              
Analytical accounts of the banking sector              
Monetary aggregates (M3) € billions (SA) Aug/24 16,435.2 16,346.0 - 2.9  
Domestic credit € billions (SA) Aug/24 21,853.9 21,817.1 - 0.6  
Credit to general government in the euro area € billions (SA) Aug/24 6,234.9 6,216.8 - -1.1  
Credit to other resident sectors in the euro area € billions (SA) Aug/24 15,619.0 15,600.3 - 1.2  
External assets € billions (SA) Aug/24 7,670.0 7,713.6 - 5.0  
External liabilities € billions (SA) Aug/24 5,277.6 5,373.9 - -4.8  
Analytical accounts of the central banks (Eurosystem)              
Currency in circulation € billions Aug/24 1,600.2 1,601.9 - 0.1  
Deposits at the Eurosystem of MFI residents in the euro area € billions Aug/24 6,185.2 6,174.1 - -9.5  
Credit € billions Aug/24 3,845.2 3,864.0 - -  
Credit to general government in the euro area € billions Aug/24 3,469.9 3,487.2 - -  
Credit to other resident sectors in the euro area € billions Aug/24 375.3 376.8 - -  
External assets € billions Aug/24 1,661.4 1,656.3 - -0.9  
External liabilities € billions Aug/24 476.1 480.5 - -13.4  
Interest Rates              
One-year interbank market Percent per annum Sep/24 2.9 3.2 - -  
Ten-year government bond yield on the secondary market Percent per annum Sep/24 2.8 2.9 - -  
External sector              
Balance of payments              
Net current account € billions (SA) Jul/24 39.6 53.5 - -  
Exports of goods € billions (SA) Jul/24 238.5 238.8 - -  
Exports of services € billions (SA) Jul/24 126.5 132.4 - -  
Imports of goods € billions (SA) Jul/24 203.4 203.1 - -  
Imports of services € billions (SA) Jul/24 107.8 116.5 - -  
Net primary income € billions (SA) Jul/24 -0.7 16.9 - -  
Net secondary income € billions (SA) Jul/24 -13.5 -15.0 - -  
Net capital account € billions Jul/24 -0.3 4.5 - -  
Financial account € billions Jul/24 54.6 91.3 - -  
Direct investment € billions Jul/24 20.6 32.6 - -  
Direct investment assets € billions Jul/24 19.6 -15.2 - -  
Direct investment liabilities € billions Jul/24 -1.0 -47.8 - -  
Portfolio investment € billions Jul/24 21.9 -67.1 - -  
Portfolio investment assets € billions Jul/24 54.5 76.4 - -  
Portfolio investment liabilities € billions Jul/24 32.6 143.5 - -  
Financial derivatives € billions Jul/24 -2.7 1.0 - -  
Other investment € billions Jul/24 18.0 123.5 - -  
Other investment assets € billions Jul/24 52.6 -69.6 - -  
Other investment liabilities € billions Jul/24 34.6 -193.0 - -  
Reserve assets € billions Jul/24 -3.2 1.3 - -  
International reserves and foreign currency liquidity (Eurosystem) 3              
Official reserve assets € billions Aug/24 1,288.4 1,282.8 - -  
Monetary gold € billions Aug/24 787.3 773.2 - -  
IMF reserve position € billions Aug/24 32.5 32.9 - -  
SDRs € billions Aug/24 185.8 187.6 - -  
Other reserve assets € billions Aug/24 282.8 289.2 - -  
Other foreign currency assets € billions Aug/24 12.5 12.3 - -  
Predetermined short-term net drains on foreign currency assets € billions Aug/24 -27.7 -28.3 - -  
Template on international reserves and foreign currency liquidity (European Central Bank) - Aug/24 - - - -  
Template on international reserves and foreign currency liquidity (Eurosystem) - Aug/24 - - - -  
Merchandise trade              
Exports € billions (SA) Jul/24 239.0 237.1 - -  
Imports € billions (SA) Jul/24 223.5 220.1 - -  
International investment position              
Total net international investment position € billions Q2/24 1,178.8 755.4 - -  
Direct investment € billions Q2/24 2,515.5 2,404.9 - -  
Direct investment assets € billions Q2/24 12,409.6 12,421.8 - -  
Direct investment liabilities € billions Q2/24 9,894.1 10,017.0 - -  
Portfolio investment € billions Q2/24 -1,966.6 -2,100.7 - -  
Equity and investment fund shares assets € billions Q2/24 6,978.5 6,668.1 - -  
Equity and investment fund shares liabilities € billions Q2/24 10,165.5 9,976.1 - -  
Debt securities assets € billions Q2/24 6,604.0 6,485.4 - -  
Debt securities liabilities € billions Q2/24 5,383.6 5,278.0 - -  
Other investment € billions Q2/24 -634.5 -757.8 - -  
Other investment assets € billions Q2/24 7,092.6 7,024.8 - -  
Other investment liabilities € billions Q2/24 7,727.1 7,782.6 - -  
Reserve assets € billions Q2/24 1,267.6 1,215.1 - -  
Gross external debt              
Gross external debt total € billions Q2/24 16,520.4 16,598.4 - -  
Exchange rates              
Euro foreign exchange reference rates              
Daily nominal effective exchange rate of the euro              
Socio-demographic Data              
Population (Total) Persons (PERS) millions 2022 344.6 343.1 0.4 0.4  

Data sources

Euro area data presented on this page are provided by Eurostat and the ECB . The source can be consulted by clicking on the data label, or on the link to the metadata in the "More info" column. More data are available in the Eurostat Data Navigation and the ECB Data portal.

Croatia joined the euro area in January 2023, bringing the number of euro area countries to 20. Unless otherwise indicated, all data series relate to the group of 20 countries that are members of the euro area (the Euro 20) for the whole time series.

Unless otherwise indicated (SA), data are not seasonally adjusted.

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