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Consolidated financial statement of the Eurosystem

8 September 2023
Assets (EUR millions) Balance Difference compared with last week due to transactions
Totals/sub-totals may not add up, due to rounding
1 Gold and gold receivables 609,300 0
2 Claims on non-euro area residents denominated in foreign currency 498,339 −341
  2.1 Receivables from the IMF 231,281 −14
  2.2 Balances with banks and security investments, external loans and other external assets 267,059 −327
3 Claims on euro area residents denominated in foreign currency 14,282 133
4 Claims on non-euro area residents denominated in euro 14,022 −62
  4.1 Balances with banks, security investments and loans 14,022 −62
  4.2 Claims arising from the credit facility under ERM II 0 0
5 Lending to euro area credit institutions related to monetary policy operations denominated in euro 605,821 −3,120
  5.1 Main refinancing operations 3,946 −3,090
  5.2 Longer-term refinancing operations 601,850 0
  5.3 Fine-tuning reverse operations 0 0
  5.4 Structural reverse operations 0 0
  5.5 Marginal lending facility 25 −30
  5.6 Credits related to margin calls 0 0
6 Other claims on euro area credit institutions denominated in euro 24,460 −6,637
7 Securities of euro area residents denominated in euro 5,002,960 1,073
  7.1 Securities held for monetary policy purposes 4,810,228 710
  7.2 Other securities 192,732 363
8 General government debt denominated in euro 20,973 0
9 Other assets 362,920 −6,215
Total assets 7,153,078 −15,169
Liabilities (EUR millions) Balance Difference compared with last week due to transactions
Totals/sub-totals may not add up, due to rounding
1 Banknotes in circulation 1,560,527 −1,773
2 Liabilities to euro area credit institutions related to monetary policy operations denominated in euro 3,841,799 20,659
  2.1 Current accounts (covering the minimum reserve system) 159,391 −4,238
  2.2 Deposit facility 3,682,380 24,896
  2.3 Fixed-term deposits 0 0
  2.4 Fine-tuning reverse operations 0 0
  2.5 Deposits related to margin calls 28 1
3 Other liabilities to euro area credit institutions denominated in euro 37,486 243
4 Debt certificates issued 0 0
5 Liabilities to other euro area residents denominated in euro 298,956 −12,977
  5.1 General government 214,151 −6,665
  5.2 Other liabilities 84,804 −6,311
6 Liabilities to non-euro area residents denominated in euro 233,941 −8,429
7 Liabilities to euro area residents denominated in foreign currency 13,931 −330
8 Liabilities to non-euro area residents denominated in foreign currency 3,137 −1,192
  8.1 Deposits, balances and other liabilities 3,137 −1,192
  8.2 Liabilities arising from the credit facility under ERM II 0 0
9 Counterpart of special drawing rights allocated by the IMF 178,413 0
10 Other liabilities 267,686 −11,369
11 Revaluation accounts 596,961 0
12 Capital and reserves 120,242 0
Total liabilities 7,153,078 −15,169
12 September 2023