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Signing of the agreement between the European Central Bank and Interpol

3 May 2004

The President of the European Central Bank (ECB), Mr. Jean-Claude Trichet, and the Secretary General of Interpol, Mr. Ronald K. Noble, have signed an agreement aimed at ensuring effective co-operation between both parties in the protection of the euro and the fight against counterfeiting.

This co-operation will involve regular consultations and the exchange of the information each of the parties needs to fulfil its anti-counterfeiting duties.

In addition to the exchange of information between the parties, the agreement provides for the co-ordination of any training activities insofar as they relate to the prevention and detection of euro banknote counterfeiting.

The present agreement is complementary to other arrangements between Interpol and Europol and between the ECB and Europol. This agreement completes the framework for co-operation with police authorities, now facilitating the prevention and detection of euro banknote counterfeiting throughout the world, in addition to those countries belonging to the European Union.


Europäische Zentralbank

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