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Clément Rouveyrol

18 June 2024
Financial Integration and Structure in the Euro Area 2024
In view of recent high-profile delistings from European stock exchanges and the widening gap in listings compared to the US, this Box sheds more light on the gap in listings between the United States and Europe. It examines the reasons behind the delisting activities of EU companies and identifies mergers and acquisitions as the key determinant over time, including in recent years. In addition, an examination of the trends of dual and US listings of European firms suggests a growing attractiveness of US markets for European firms. This suggests that policy measures may be needed to make EU listings more appealing, particularly for larger companies, by enhancing market depth and liquidity and possibly further consolidating European stock exchanges.
JEL Code
G10 : Financial Economics→General Financial Markets→General
G15 : Financial Economics→General Financial Markets→International Financial Markets
G34 : Financial Economics→Corporate Finance and Governance→Mergers, Acquisitions, Restructuring, Corporate Governance
3 March 2020
Financial Integration and Structure in the Euro Area 2020
Brexit will result in a substantial structural change to the EU’s financial architecture over the coming years. It could be particularly significant for derivatives clearing, investment banking activities and securities and derivatives trading as the reliance on service provision by UK financial firms is more pronounced in these areas and the provision of such services is currently linked to the EU passporting regime. At the same time, the precise overall impact of Brexit on the EU’s future financial architecture in general – and on these specific areas in particular – is difficult to predict at this stage, and may change over time. This special feature makes a first attempt at analysing some of the factors that may affect the EU’s financial architecture post-Brexit. It focuses on areas which currently show strong reliance on the UK and are of particular relevance for the ECB under its various mandates.

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