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Table 1: International investment position of the euro area, including a breakdown of changes from end- 2011 to end- 2012

(EUR billions unless otherwise indicated; outstanding amounts at end of period, flows during period)

2009 2010 2011 2012
Totalchanges Transactions1) Other changesin outstanding amounts End-of-periodoutstandingamounts
as % of 2012 i.i.p. pricechanges exchangeratechanges otheradjustments as % ofGDP
Source: ECB.
( 1 ) In this table, by contrast with the balance of payments sign convention, a positive (negative) figure indicates an increase (decrease) in euro area assets.
Financial account balance/Net international investment position -1,486.4 -1,290.4 -1,455.4 192.5 140.9 - -322.2 4.8 368.9 -1,262.9 -13.3
Direct investment 880.3 1,038.7 1,293.7 143.0 3.6 - 45.2 -16.4 110.6 1,436.7 15.1
Abroad 4,412.8 4,930.6 5,633.2 248.1 329.9 5.9 38.8 -22.0 -98.6 5,881.3 62.0
Equity/reinvested earnings 3,432.3 3,843.5 4,229.4 144.9 190.0 4.5 38.8 -12.6 -71.4 4,374.3 46.1
Other capital 980.5 1,087.1 1,403.7 103.3 139.9 10.0 0.0 -9.4 -27.2 1,507.0 15.9
In the euro area 3,532.5 3,891.9 4,339.5 105.1 326.3 7.5 -6.4 -5.6 -209.2 4,444.6 46.9
Equity/reinvested earnings 2,600.6 2,922.0 3,089.1 35.4 246.2 8.0 -6.4 -0.5 -203.9 3,124.5 32.9
Other capital 932.0 969.9 1,250.5 69.7 80.1 6.4 0.0 -5.1 -5.3 1,320.2 13.9
Portfolio investment -2,522.9 -2,572.5 -2,970.7 -139.9 -72.3 - -399.8 -3.7 336.1 -3,110.5 -32.8
Assets 4,340.9 4,898.7 4,750.9 514.1 186.4 3.9 194.7 -41.3 174.3 5,265.0 55.5
Equity securities 1,506.3 1,901.9 1,693.8 253.5 57.6 3.4 180.1 -16.5 32.3 1,947.3 20.5
Debt securities 2,834.6 2,996.8 3,057.1 260.6 128.8 4.2 14.6 -24.8 142.0 3,317.7 35.0
Bonds and notes 2,421.7 2,575.9 2,587.2 264.8 126.5 4.9 14.6 -12.9 136.6 2,852.0 30.1
Money market instruments 412.9 420.9 469.8 -4.2 2.3 0.5 0.0 -11.9 5.4 465.7 4.9
Liabilities 6,863.8 7,471.2 7,721.5 654.0 258.7 3.4 594.6 -37.5 -161.8 8,375.5 88.3
Equity securities 2,814.9 3,193.9 3,048.8 426.6 144.1 4.7 392.6 -16.4 -93.7 3,475.4 36.6
Debt securities 4,048.8 4,277.3 4,672.8 227.4 114.6 2.5 202.0 -21.1 -68.1 4,900.1 51.7
Bonds and notes 3,523.2 3,824.0 4,228.3 210.6 119.3 2.8 202.0 -20.4 -90.2 4,438.9 46.8
Money market instruments 525.7 453.3 444.4 16.8 -4.7 -1.0 0.0 -0.8 22.2 461.2 4.9
MEMO ITEM: COMBINED DIRECT AND PORTFOLIO INVESTMENT -1,642.6 -1,533.8 -1,677.0 3.2 -68.8 - -354.6 -20.1 446.7 -1,673.8 -17.6
Financial derivatives -1.3 -31.1 -29.7 12.2 -3.4 - 15.6 - - -17.6 -0.2
Other investment -302.1 -316.7 -415.8 154.9 199.2 - 0.0 31.5 -75.9 -260.9 -2.8
Assets 4,527.2 4,794.5 4,871.2 -52.8 -4.8 -0.1 0.0 -16.7 -31.3 4,818.4 50.8
Eurosystem 30.4 32.9 35.5 4.7 5.2 14.7 0.0 0.0 -0.5 40.1 0.4
General government 118.9 162.1 162.7 5.2 4.7 2.9 0.0 0.0 0.4 167.9 1.8
MFIs excluding Eurosystem 2,835.1 2,972.6 3,069.1 -145.3 -122.4 -4.0 0.0 -12.4 -10.4 2,923.8 30.8
Other sectors 1,542.8 1,626.9 1,604.0 82.6 107.7 6.7 0.0 -4.3 -20.8 1,686.6 17.8
Liabilities 4,829.3 5,111.2 5,287.0 -207.7 -204.0 -3.9 0.0 -48.3 44.6 5,079.3 53.6
Eurosystem 251.9 271.0 412.7 16.3 19.0 4.6 0.0 0.0 -2.8 428.9 4.5
General government 84.6 148.0 224.1 3.4 3.7 1.7 0.0 -0.0 -0.3 227.5 2.4
MFIs excluding Eurosystem 3,388.9 3,489.6 3,212.3 -248.6 -234.6 -7.3 0.0 -35.1 21.1 2,963.8 31.3
Other sectors 1,103.8 1,202.6 1,438.0 21.2 7.8 0.5 0.0 -13.2 26.6 1,459.2 15.4
Reserve assets 459.6 591.2 667.1 22.3 13.9 2.1 16.9 -6.6 -1.9 689.4 7.3
Breakdown of direct investment in equity
Abroad 3,432.3 3,843.5 4,229.4 144.9 190.0 4.5 38.8 -12.6 -71.4 4,374.3 46.1
Listed companies (market value) 153.7 184.9 153.3 - - - - - - 164.9 1.7
Unlisted companies 3,162.5 3,535.3 3,957.2 - - - - - - 4,087.8 43.1
Real estate and other 116.1 123.2 119.0 - - - - - - 121.6 1.3
Memo item: listed companies (book value) 72.6 93.6 103.7 - - - - - - 110.3 1.2
In the euro area 2,600.6 2,922.0 3,089.1 35.4 246.2 8.0 -6.4 -0.5 -203.9 3,124.5 32.9
Listed companies (market value) 78.8 98.1 53.5 - - - - - - 48.5 0.5
Unlisted companies 2,386.2 2,703.3 2,886.0 - - - - - - 2,904.7 30.6
Real estate and other 135.6 120.6 149.5 - - - - - - 171.2 1.8
Memo item: listed companies (book value) 47.5 51.9 34.2 - - - - - - 25.9 0.3