Opportunities for researchers
The Directorate General Research offers exciting and challenging employment opportunities for research economists, traineeships for students, and fellowships for promising young researchers as well as prominent scholars.
Introducing Directorate ResearchResearch economists interested in employment at the ECB are invited to respond to vacancy notices that appear regularly on the ECB's careers pages. DG/R also recruits for entry-level positions on the job markets organised by the American Economic Association and the European Economic Association.
Fellowships for prominent economists in academia, central banks and research institutions.
Wim Duisenberg FellowshipFellowships for promising young economists in academia, central banks and research institutions.
Lamfalussy FellowshipSummer traineeships for promising PhD students in their second or third year of studies.
Summer Research Graduate ProgrammeResearch assistant positions for Bachelor’s or Master’s degree candidates, or PhD students.
Student Research Traineeship Programme