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ECB and Frankfurt Radio Symphony to hold Europa Open Air concert on 31 August 2023

10 August 2023

  • Europa Open Air 2023 celebrates Europe’s diversity in Frankfurt
  • Over 12,000 guests expected for musical evening on waterfront

On Thursday, 31 August 2023 the European Central Bank (ECB), together with broadcaster Hessischer Rundfunk, will once again present the traditional Europa Open Air concert with the Hessischer Rundfunk orchestra, Frankfurt Radio Symphony. The popular concert at Frankfurt’s waterfront location Weseler Werft will allow spectators to enjoy some of Europe’s finest concert pieces, with “celebrating Europe” as the theme. This year the event coincides with the 25th anniversary of the ECB.

“Europa Open Air reflects the ECB’s commitment as a European institution and as a member of the local community. Music, literature and the performing and fine arts know no borders; they allow us to be united in diversity,” said ECB President Christine Lagarde.

The evening will start with a performance by the Frankfurt Radio Big Band, accompanied by soul singer Joy Denalane. Conducted by music director Alain Altinoglu, the Frankfurt Radio Symphony will then present pieces based on musical fairy tales. The event will close with two works featuring Mediterranean rhythms.

The concert will be broadcast live over the internet, and on German TV and radio. Further information (in German) can be found on Hessischer Rundfunk’s website.

For media queries, please contact Verena Reith, tel.: +49 69 1344 5737.


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