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Macroeconomic and sectoral statistics

Macroeconomic and sectoral statistics include a wide range of key statistics for the economy as a whole and for individual sectors, as well as the relationships between them. They are the backbone for economic and financial stability analysis and monitoring the effects of the ECB’s monetary policy on the euro area economy.

These statistics are available for the euro area and, in most cases, all EU countries using comparable statistical methods.

Types of statistics

  • Financial and non-financial sector accounts provide the national accounts for all institutional sectors of the economy, including data on income, consumption, saving, investment, financing, financial investment and net lending/borrowing of households, non-financial corporations, financial corporations (and sub-sectors) and the government sector, as well as data on financial and non-financial assets, debt and wealth for all sectors. They also include who-to-whom information on most financial instruments. Distributional Wealth Accounts provide additional breakdowns for the household sector
  • GDP, output and demand section encompasses data on national accounts main aggregates and short-term business statistics
  • More detailed statistics for the general government sector are mainly used for fiscal analysis
  • Inflation is measured using the Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP)
  • Other prices and costs include residential property prices, industrial producer prices, world market prices of raw materials and labour cost indices
  • Labour market statistics feature data on employment and unemployment

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