Assenmacher, K.
Bridging the gap between structural VAR and DSGE models
Gürkaynak, R. and Tille, C. (eds), DSGE Models in the Conduct of Policy: Use as Intended, VoxEU.org eBook, pp. 23-20
Assenmacher, K.
Forecasting the Swiss Economy with a Small GVAR Model
Di Mauro, F. and Pesaran, M.H. (eds.), The GVAR Handbook: Structure and Applications of a Macro Model of the Global Economy for Policy Analysis, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 244-254
Assenmacher-Wesche, K. and Gerlach, S.
Can Monetary Policy Really Be Used to Stabilize Asset Prices?
Felton, A. and Reinhart, C.M. (eds.), The First Global Financial Crisis of the 21st Century, Center for Economic Policy Research, London, pp. 163-166
Assenmacher-Wesche, K.
Determinanten der Geldnachfrage in der Euro-Zone
Michler, A. and Thieme, H.J. (eds), Systeme monetärer Steuerung: Analyse und Vergleich geldpolitischer Strategien, Schriften zu Ordnungsfragen der Wirtschaft, Lucius, Stuttgart, pp. 60-81
Assenmacher-Wesche, K. and Gerlach, S.
Understanding the Link between Money Growth and Inflation in the Euro Area
Cobham, D. (ed.), The Travails of the Eurozone, Macmillan-Palgrave, London, 2007, 10-39
Wesche, K.
Die Geldnachfrage in Europa: Aggregationsprobleme und Empirie
Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Beiträge, Bd. 154