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Selected publications by ECB staff on legal topics


  • Zilioli, Chiara, Régis Bismuth and Luc Thévenoz (eds.) “International Sanctions: Monetary and Financial Law Perspectives”, Brill 2024
  • Zilioli, Chiara “The Role of Central Banks in the Application of International Financial Sanctions: the Case of the ECB and the Sanctions against Russia”, in Zilioli, Bismuth, Thévenoz (eds.), “International Sanctions: Monetary and Financial Law Perspectives”, Brill 2024
  • David Brinkman, “EU Climate Law”, in Sustainable Finance and Climate Change, Law and Regulation, edited by René Smits, Elgar Financial Law and Practice Series (2024), p. 116-136
  • David Brinkman, “Climate-related risks and banking supervision: From climate change risk mitigation to double materiality”, Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, volume 30, issue 3, p. 396-413
  • Marguerite O'Connell, Iñigo Arruga Oleaga et al., ‘The path to the reformed EU fiscal framework: a monetary policy perspective' ECB Occasional Paper No. 349, 24 May 2024
  • Fabian von Lindeiner, 'Commentary on Articles 5 and 38 of the Statute of the ESCB and of the ECB' in Blanke/Mangiameli, Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union Vol. 4 (in print)
  • Chiara Zilioli, Axel-Johannes Korb, 'Commentary on Article 12 of the ESCB Statute' in “von der Groeben/Schwarze/Hatje/Terhechte” (in print)
  • Chiara Zilioli, Axel-Johannes Korb, 'Commentary on Article 15 of the ESCB Statute' in “von der Groeben/Schwarze/Hatje/Terhechte” (in print)
  • Axel-Johannes Korb, 'Commentary on Article 139 TFEU' in “von der Groeben/Schwarze/Hatje/Terhechte” (in print)
  • Axel-Johannes Korb, Jan Klein 'Commentary on Article 271 TFEU' in “von der Groeben/Schwarze/Hatje/Terhechte” (in print)
  • Lea Volovec, Phoebus Athanassiou, Georg John, Commentary on Article 22 of the ESCB/ECB Statute, in von der Groeben/Schwarze/Hatje/Terhechte, Europäisches Unionsrecht, 8th edition (in print)
  • Stephan Heckenthaler, Georg John, Commentary on Sections 58 to 69 of the Austrian Banking Recovery and Resolution Act (BaSAG), in Kammel/Schütz, Kommentar zum Bankensanierungs- und abwicklungsgesetz, 32nd and 33rd fascicle (Manz, in print)
  • Michael Binder, Georg John, Commentary on Sections 30b to 30d of the Austrian Banking Act, in Dellinger, Kommentar zum Bankwesengesetz, 12th fascicle (LexisNexis, 2024)
  • Stefan Frank, Georg John, Commentary on Section 7b of the Austrian Banking Act, in Dellinger, Kommentar zum Bankwesengesetz, 12th fascicle (LexisNexis, 2024)
  • Michael Binder, Georg John, Commentary on Articles 7 and 9 of the CRR, in Dellinger/Blume, Kommentar zur CRR, 3rd fascicle (LexisNexis, envisaged publication 2024)
  • Stefan Frank, Georg John, Commentary on Article 4(1)(3), (28), (29), (29c), (29d), (35), (40) and (41) of the CRR, in Dellinger/Blume, Kommentar zur CRR, 3rd fascicle (LexisNexis, envisaged publication 2024)
  • Georg John, Joanna Prouza, Commentary on Article 4(1)(15) and (16) of the CRR, in Dellinger/Blume, Kommentar zur CRR, 3rd fascicle (LexisNexis, envisaged publication 2024)
  • Georg John, Commentary on Article 4(1)(2), (29a) and (29b) of the CRR, in Dellinger/Blume, Kommentar zur CRR, 3rd fascicle (LexisNexis, envisaged publication 2024)
  • Georg John, Joint Ventures und die Gruppenfreistellungsverordnung Forschung & Entwicklung, ÖBl 2024 (in print)
  • David Baez Seara, Ricardo Garcia, Zdenek Novy, The Compatibility of the Spanish Windfall Levy on Credit Institutions with EU Law and International Economic Law (Investment Law and Tax Treaties), Nordic Tax Journal -


  • Chiara Zilioli and Antonio Luca Riso, 'The Response of Central Banks to the COVID-19 Crisis: Legal Aspects of the ECB's Monetary Policy Measures' in W. Blair, C. Gortsos, C. Zilioli (eds), International Monetary and Banking Law post COVID-19 (Oxford University Press 2023) pp. 58-84
  • Chiara Zilioli, 'Central Banks Immunities and International Sanctions: an Introduction' in ECB Legal Conference 2023 - Treading softly: How central banks are addressing current global challenges (2023) p. 112
  • Chiara Zilioli, 'Central Bank Digital Currencies: Central Bank Money Reaches a New Frontier' in Gortsos and Sethe (eds), Central Bank Digital Currencies – proceedings of a Colloquium (EIZ Publishing 2023)
  • Chiara Zilioli, 'Foreword' in Lamandini and Ramos Muños (eds), Finance, Law, and the Courts – Financial Disputes and Adjudication (Oxford University Press 2023)
  • Georgios Zagouras and Chryssa Papathanassiou, ECB Confidentiality: Quo Vadis? How the ECB Shares Confidential Supervisory Information with Non-SSM Authorities, J.I.B.L.R. 38 (2023), p. 191
  • Georg John, Joint Ventures im Gesellschafts- und Kartellrecht (Manz, 2023)
  • Georg John, Joint Ventures in der Praxis, ecolex 2023, 846-849 (part one) and 949-953 (part two)
  • Katharina Plavec et al., An examination of net-zero commitments by the world’s largest banks, ECB Occasional Paper No. 334
  • Katharina Plavec, Kommentierung der §§ 577-618 ZPO, in Georg Kodek/Paul Oberhammer, ZPO-ON Kommentar (Manz)
  • Marguerite O'Connell, Iñigo Arruga Oleaga, Laurent Abraham, 'The legal and institutional feasibility of an EU Climate and Energy Security Fund', ECB Occasional Paper No. 313, 28 March 2023
  • Andreas Witte, Commentary on Section 46d of the German Banking Act (KWG). In: Anja Albert et al. (eds.), Reischauer/Kleinhans KWG. Berlin: Erich Schmidt 2023 (looseleaf binders, release 2/23)
  • David Baez Seara, Financial independence and its implications for euro area central banks, Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law -


  • Chiara Zilioli, 'Foreword - Evolution, not Revolution: The Development of the Role of the European Central Bank since its Establishment', in Beukers, Fromage, Monti (eds), The ‘New’ European Central Bank: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead (Oxford University Press 2022)
  • Chiara Zilioli, 'Foreword: Preserving the Rule of Law in the Digital Era: The Responsibility of Lawyers' in Jakob, Schindler, Strathausen, Waltl (eds), Liquid Legal- Humanization and the Law (Springer 2022)
  • Chiara Zilioli, Michael Ioannidis, 'Climate change and the mandate of the ECB: Potential and limits of monetary contribution to European green policies', in (2022) CMLR vol. 59, pp. 363-394
  • Andreas Witte, 'The interaction between administrative and judicial review at the European level: Notes on the judgment of the General Court of 6 October 2021 in Joined Cases T-351/18 and T-584/18, Ukrselhosprom PCF LLC and Versobank AS v ECB', in (2022) Review of European Administrative Law vol. 1, pp. 45-60
  • Andreas Witte and Klaus Lackhoff, 'Commentary on Article 4 of the SSM Regulation' in Brussels Commentary on the European Banking Union (Munich, Oxford, Baden-Baden: Beck, Hart, Nomos 2022) ISBN 978-3-406-71456-6, 978-1-5099-6389-8
  • Andreas Witte, 'Commentary on Articles 21 and 57-66 of the SRM Regulation' in Brussels Commentary on the European Banking Union (Munich, Oxford, Baden-Baden: Beck, Hart, Nomos 2022) ISBN 978-3-406-71456-6, 978-1-5099-6389-8
  • Andreas Witte, Bankrecht: Vereinbarkeit der zur Abwicklung der Banco Espírito Santo zugrunde liegenden portugiesischen Regelung mit dem Eigentumsrecht. Case note on the judgment of the CJEU of 5 May 2022 in Case C-83/20. Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht, vol. 2022, no. 16, pp. 760-767
  • Marguerite O'Connell et al., 'Next Generation EU: a euro area perspective' (2022) ECB Economic Bulletin Issue 1/2022
  • Georgios Zagouras, § 109 Die Europäische Bankenunion, in Ellenberger/Bunte, BankrechtsHandbuch, 6th ed. 2022, C.H. Beck, München
  • Georgios Zagouras, 'Commentary on Articles 30 and 31 of the SSM Regulation' in Brussels Commentary on the European Banking Union (Munich, Oxford, Baden-Baden: Beck, Hart, Nomos 2022)
  • Georgios Zagouras and Chryssa Papathanassiou, EZB-Verschwiegenheitspflicht quo vadis? Der neue Rechtsrahmen für die Übermittlung aufsichtlicher Informationen an Drittinstitutionen durch die EZB, WM 2022, p. 2054
  • Stefan Frank/Stephan Heckenthaler/Georg John, Nachhaltigkeitsrisiken in der Finanzbranche, in Binder Grösswang, Sustainability (LexisNexis, 2022) 117-139
  • Jens-Hinrich Binder/Christos Gortsos/Klaus Lackhoff/Christoph Ohler (editors), Brussels Commentary to the SSMR and the SRMR, 2022
  • Isabell Koepfer, The ECB’s internal appeal procedure for contract award decisions, ECB Legal Conference 2002, P. 147
  • Katharina Plavec, Die Verordnung über europäische grüne Anleihen – Ein Meilenstein auf dem Weg zu einem grünen Finanzmarkt? 3/2 Nachhaltigkeitsrecht 2022, 306-312
  • David Baez Seara, Is there an audit gap in EU banking supervision? Journal of Banking Regulation -


  • Chiara Zilioli, Karl-Philipp Wojcik, eds. Judicial Review in the European Banking Union (Edward Elgar 2021)
  • Chiara Zilioli and Michael Ioannidis, 'Klimawandel und das Mandat der EZB' (2021) 24 EuZW 1061-1071
  • Chiara Zilioli, 'Justiciability of central banks’ decisions and the imperative to respect fundamental rights' in ECB Legal Conference 2017, Shaping a new legal order for Europe: a tale of crises and opportunities p. 91 ss
  • Chiara Zilioli, 'The new ECB monetary policy strategy and the ECB’s roadmap of climate change-related actions – some legal considerations' (OpEd) in EULawLive 2021
  • Chiara Zilioli, Giorgio Buono, 'A New Kid on the Block: The European Central Bank Before the Union Courts' in Yearbook on Procedural Law of the Court of Justice of the European Union Second Edition – 2020, MPI Luxembourg for Procedural law, Research Paper Series N° 2021 (2) pp. 41-77
  • Antonio Luca Riso, 'Which role for the prudential supervision of banks in Sustainable Finance?' in D. Busch, G. Ferrarini and S. Grünewald (eds), Sustainable Finance in Europe (European Banking Institute 2021) 275-325 ISBN 978-3-030-71833-6
  • Antonio Luca Riso, ‘A prime for the SSM before the Court: the L-Bank case’, in Chiara Zilioli and Karl-Philipp Wojcik (eds), Judicial review in the European Banking Union (Edward Elgar 2021) 494-503 ISBN 978-1-80037-319-8
  • Andreas Witte, 'The application of national law by the ECB, including options and discretions, and its impact on the judicial review' in Chiara Zilioli and Karl-Philipp Wojcik (eds), Judicial review in the European Banking Union (Edward Elgar 2021) 236-250 ISBN 978-1-80037-319-8
  • Andreas Witte, 'Supervisory measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany' in Klaus Lackhoff (ed), Banking Supervision and COVID-19: A Handbook (Beck, Hart, Nomos 2021) 114-129 ISBN 978-3-406-76241-3
  • Andreas Witte, 'Bent Four in the Corner' (2021) European Go Journal April 2021 48-51
  • Elke Tegeler, Annette Rosenkoetter and Hauke Hansen, 'Berücksichtigung datenschutzrechtlicher Aspekte in Vergabeverfahren nach „Schrems II“' (2021) NZBau 355
  • Agnese Pizzolla, 'Close cooperation and aspects of judicial review' in Chiara Zilioli and Karl-Philipp Wojcik (eds), Judicial review in the European Banking Union (Edward Elgar 2021) 236-250 ISBN 978-1-80037-319-8
  • Georgios Zagouras, 'Commentary on Articles 62, 63, 64, 65 and 66 of the ESMA Regulation' in Seibt/Buck-Heeb/Harnos, BeckOK Wertpapierhandelsrecht, 2021, C.H. Beck, Munich
  • Michael Binder/Georg John, Das neue Pre-Marketing-Regime, ÖBA 2021, 754-775
  • Klaus Lackhoff, Procedural law requirements for conducting administrative procedures by the ECB and the SRB, in Zilioli/Wojcik. (eds.), Judicial Review in the European Banking Union, 2021, p. 146 et seq
  • Katharina Plavec, Auslegung von Schiedsvereinbarungen (Dissertation) (Mohr Siebeck)
  • Domenico Piers De Martino/Katharina Plavec, Has Covid-19 Unlocked Digital Justice? Answers from the World of International Arbitration, 6(1) Cambridge Law Review 2021, 45-59
  • Katharina Plavec, Schiedsklausel umfasst auf Art 102 AEUV basierenden Schadenersatzanspruch, ecolex 2021, 222-223


  • Chiara Zilioli, ‘Crypto-assets: Legal characterisation and challenges under private law’, in 46 ELR (2020), p. 251-266,
  • Chiara Zilioli, ‘New tasks for the European Central Bank: between Separation, Synergies and the Preservation of Independence’, in International Monetary Fund (IMF), Law & Financial Stability. Washington, DC, 2020, p. 143-156,
  • Antonio Luca Riso, Klaus Lackhoff, ‘Dividend Recommendation’, in K. Lackoff, ed. Banking Supervision and Covid-19, Beck, Hart, Nomos, 2020 (pp. 40-56)
  • Antonio Luca Riso, Georgios Zagouras, ‘The Single Supervisory Mechanism – normative and institutional issues’, in S. Grieser, M. Heemann, eds., Europäisches Bankaufsichtsrecht, Frankfurt School Verlag, 2020 (71-110) ISBN: 978-3-95647-168-1
  • Andreas Witte, ‘A tragedy of the night sky? International law as a regulator for satellite megaconstellations’, in Annals of Air and Space Law, vol. 45 (2020), pp. 307-345,
  • Andreas Witte, Avoiding lacunae for judicial review in the interplay between national and Union law in the banking union – Notes on the judgment of the Court of Justice in Joined Cases C-663/17 P, C-665/17 P and C-669/17 P Trasta Komercbanka, in European Law Review, vol. 45 (2020), no. 4, pp. 569-584
  • Elke, Tegeler, Matthias Einmahl, Flexiblerer Umgang mit dem Nachfordern bei fehlerhaften Unterlagen?, Vergaberecht, 4/2020, pp. 549-558
  • Georgios Zagouras, Aufsichtsgebühren der Europäischen Zentralbank nach Art. 30 SSM-VO, BKR 2020, p. 330
  • Georg John, Die Grundrechtecharta in der Judikatur des Verfassungsgerichtshofes (Verlag Österreich, 2020)
  • Georg John, COVID-19 – Ein (sehr) kurzer Überblick über aufsichtsrechtliche Implikationen und Maßnahmen der Aufsichtsbehörden, CuRe 2020/57
  • Georg John, Aufsichtsrechtliche Implikationen der COVID-19-Krise und Maßnahmen der Aufsichtsbehörden, ÖBA 2020, 479-500
  • Giulio Ronzino, “The evolving interpretation of the European Central Bank’s mandate after the crisis”, Financial Regulation International, 18 December 2020
  • Klaus Lackhoff/Janina Heinz, Großkredite, in: Binder/Glos/Riepe, Handbuch Bankaufsichtsrecht, Köln, 2. Auflage 2020
  • Klaus Lackhoff (editor), Banking Supervision and COVID-19, 2020
  • Katharina Plavec, The Law Applicable to the Interpretation of Arbitration Agreements Revisited, University of Vienna Law Review, Vol. 4 (2020), 82-127


  • Chiara Zilioli, ‘Proportionality as the Organizing Principle of European Banking Regulation’, in Th. Baums, H. Remsperger, M.Sachs, V. Wieland (eds), “Zentralbanken, Währungsunion und stabiles Finanzsystem”, Duncker & Humblot, 2019, p. 257-288,
  • Andreas Witte, Der pacta-tertiis-Grundsatz im Völkerrecht: Scheinbare und tatsächliche Ausnahmen, Monograph (PhD dissertation), ISBN 978-3-16-157669-0
  • Andreas Witte, Time, International Regulation of, Encyclopedia entry, Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law
  • Andreas Witte, Klaus Lackhoff, EuGH 20. März 2018 – Rs. C-524/15, Rs. C-537/16, Rs. C-569/16 und C-597/16: Ne-bis-in-idem-Grundsatz, WuB Entscheidungsanmerkungen zum Wirtschafts- und Bankrecht, vol. 2019, no. 6, pp. 280-286,
  • Andreas, Witte, Bax, Rinke, The taxonomy of ECB instruments available for banking supervision, Institutional publication, ECB Economic Bulletin 6/2019, pp. 85-100
  • Andreas Witte, Der pacta-tertiis-Grundsatz im Völkerrecht: Scheinbare und tatsächliche Ausnahmen. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2019
  • Elke, Tegeler, ‘Datenschutz im Vergabeverfahren für öffentliche Auftraggeber’, Vergaberecht, 3/2019, pp. 337-347,
  • Fabian von Lindeiner, Giuseppe Bitti and Michelle Hermans, 'The European Central Bank and EU procurement law: a comparative outlook' ECB Legal Working Paper Series No. 18 (2019)
  • Georgios Zagouras, Sanction Powers and Proceedings of the European Central Bank in the Single Supervisory Mechanism, J.I.B.L.R 34 (2019), p. 437
  • Georgios Zagouras, Der Rechtsrahmen für Vor-Ort-Prüfungen der Europäischen Zentralbank nach Art. 12 SSM-VO, WM 2019, p. 2191
  • Georgios Zagouras, Sanction Powers and Proceedings of the European Central Bank in the Single Supervisory Mechanism, J.I.B.L.R 34 (2019), p. 437
  • Giulio Ronzino, 'La funzione di Compliance e il rischio reputazionale', Rivista di Diritto bancario, 2019
  • Klaus Lackhoff/Andreas Witte, Ne-bis-in-idem-Grundsatz, in: WuB Entscheidungsanmerkungen zum Wirtschafts- und Bankrecht, WuB 2019, 280 – 286
  • Klaus Lackhoff/Emilie Yoo/Tobias Bauerfeind, Einführung in die Ratio und Funktionsweise der Abwicklungsregelungen für Banken, WM 2019, 1677 – 1688
  • Katharina Plavec, Neues zum auf die Schiedsvereinbarung anwendbaren Recht, ecolex 2019, 330-331
  • David Brinkman, “The declaration of no objection, reputation and the Joint Guidelines: a short overview”, 6 July 2019, Financieel Recht


  • Chiara, Zilioli, ‘La Corte, giudice costituzionale delle competenze attribuite alle istituzioni dell’Unione: il caso della Banca centrale europea’, in K. Lenaerts (ed), Un parcours européen : de la Cour de justice des Communautés européennes à la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne, Liber Amicorum en l’honneur de Antonio Tizzano, Giappichelli, 2018, p. 1051-1066
  • Chiara Zilioli, ‘From Form to Substance: Judicial Control on Crisis Decisions of the EU Institutions (with a focus on the Court of Justice of the European Union)’, in Allen, Carletti, Gulati (Eds.) “Institutions and the Crisis”, RSCAS, Florence School of Banking and Finance (European University Institute; Brevan Howard Centre at Imperial College; Baffi Carefin, Bocconi University), 2018, p 133-148
  • Chiara, Zilioli, Phoebus Athanassiou, ‘The European Central bank’, in Schütze & Tridimas (eds), “Oxford Principles of European Union Law”, Vol.1: the European Legal order, 2018, p.610-650
  • Chiara, Zilioli , Antonio Luca Riso, ‘New tasks and challenges to central bank independence: the ECB and the Eurosystem experience’, in R. Lastra, P. Conti-Brown, eds, Research Handbook on Central Banking, Edward Elgar, 2018 (pp. 155-183) ISBN: 978 1 78471 921 0
  • Chiara Zilioli ‘Tavola Rotonda su ''I salvataggi bancari nella prospettiva europea''’, in Studi Senesi CXXX (III Serie, LXVII), pp. 511-516 and pp. 547-533
  • Agnese Pizzolla, ‘The Role of the European Central Bank in the Single Supervisory Mechanism: A New Paradigm for EU Governance’, European Law Review, vol. 43 (2018), no. 1, pp. 3-23
  • Georgios Zagouras, On-site Inspections Conducted by the European Central Bank: Legal Considerations, J.I.B.L.R 33 (2018), p. 437
  • Georg John, Ist der Joint-Venture-Vertrag (immer) eine GesBR?, GesRZ 2018, 32-44
  • Georg John, Der Begriff des gewöhnlichen Aufenthaltes und seine Bedeutung im europäischen Privat- und Zivilverfahrensrecht, GPR 2018, 70-70 (part one) and 136-142 (part two)
  • Klaus Lackhoff/Janina Heinz, Großkredite, in: Binder/Glos/Riepe, Handbuch Bankaufsichtsrecht, Köln, 1. Auflage, 2018, 411 – 446
  • Christian Koller/Katharina Plavec, 60 Jahre NYÜ und der OGH: eine Retrospektive, ecolex 2018, 882-888
  • Andreas Witte, Headnote discussing the SSM Regulation (Regulation (EU) No. 1024/2013). Oxford International Organizations, OXIO 284. Available at
  • Andreas Witte, The international regulation and governance of time. Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law, vol. 22 (2018), pp. 394-426
  • Andreas Witte, Time, International Regulation of. Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law. Available at
  • Mireia Estrada Canamares, “Building coherent EU responses: coherence as a structural principle in the external action of the Union”, in Marise Cremona (ed.), Structural Principles in EU External Relations Law, Hart Publishing, Oxford
  • Mireia Estrada Canamares, “The CFSP-humanitarian aid nexus”, in S. Blockmans and P. Koutrakos (eds.), The EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham


  • Chiara Zilioli, Justiciability of central banks’ decisions and the imperative to respect fundamental rights, in “ECB Legal Conference 2017, Shaping a new legal order for Europe: a tale of crises and opportunitiesv”, p. 91 ss
  • Georgios Zagouras, Verwaltungssanktionen der Europäischen Zentralbank, WM 2017, p. 558
  • Georg John, Das Verhältnis der strafrechtlichen Garantien der MRK zu den judiziellen Grundrechten der GRC und ihre Durchsetzung durch EuGH und EGMR, JSt 2017, 11-16
  • Georg John, Nationale Verfassungsgerichte als alleinige Hüter der Unions(grund)rechte? Nationale versus unionale (Grundrechte-)Gerichtsbarkeit, ZfRV 2017, 148-155
  • Georg John, Das österreichische Pflichtteilsrecht und die EuErbVO. Berührungspunkte und Möglichkeiten eines Pflichtteilsshopping a la carte, in Kodek/Neumayr, Zak spezial – Das neue Erbrecht (LexisNexis, 2017) 107-115
  • Georg John, Zur Auslegung von Gesellschaftsvertrag, Satzung und Wechsel: Inkonsistenzen und Inkohärenzen - ein Vergleich, wbl 2017, 365-376
  • Klaus Lackhoff, The SSM Framework Regulation as a source of ECB administrative procedural law, in: ECB, ESCB Legal Conference, 2017, 202 – 210
  • Klaus Lackhoff, Single Supervisory Mechanism – A Practioner’s Guide, Munich, 2017
  • Katharina Plavec, Schwechat, Luton oder Newark? Zur internationalen Zuständigkeit iZm der Fluggastrechte-VO, ecolex 2017, 607-608
  • Katharina Plavec, Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit und Handelsvertreterrecht – eine riskante Kombination? 22 ZZPInt 2017, 105-127
  • Andreas Witte, Die Architektur des einheitlichen Bankenaufsichtsmechanismus und die Bedeutung administrativer Widerspruchsverfahren im europäischen Prozessrecht – Anmerkung zum Urteil des Gerichts der EU vom 16. Mai 2017 in der Rechtssache L-Bank (T-122/15). Europarecht, vol. 2017, no. 5, pp. 648-657
  • Andreas Witte. Die Europäische Bankenunion als mehrgleisiges Reformvorhaben. Europarecht, supplement 1/2017, pp. 29-44


  • Chiara Zilioli, Technological innovations and the future of payments: introduction, in “ESCB Legal Conference 2016”, p. 113
  • Chiara Zilioli, The ECB’s Powers and Institutional Role in the Financial Crisis: a Confirmation from the Court of Justice of the European Union, in Federico Fabbrini (ed), "The European Court of Justice, the European Central Bank and the Supremacy of EU Law" Special Issue (2016) 23 Maastricht Journal of European & Comparative Law 1, p.171-184
  • Chiara Zilioli, The Independence of the European Central Bank and its New Banking Supervisory Competences, in Dominique Ritleng (ed.), “Independence and Legitimacy in the Institutional System of the European Union”, Collected courses for the EUI Summer Academy 2012, OUP, 2016, p. 125-179
  • Fabian von Lindeiner, 'Die neuen Vergaberegeln der Europäischen Zentralbank' (2016) Vergaberecht 580-589
  • Fabian von Lindeiner, 'The new procurement rules of the European Central Bank' (2016) Public Procurement Law Review 213-223
  • Sabrina Kulenkamp/Klaus Lackhoff, Sicherung der Funktionserbringung von nicht regulierten Aktiengesellschaften und Kreditinstituten durch Coroporate Governance, in: Bauer/Schuster, Nachhaltigkeit im Bankensektor, Köln, 2016, 39 -74
  • Seraina Grünewald/Klaus Lackhoff, Die Bankenunion der EU und ihre Auswirkungen auf den Drittstaat Schweiz, 2. Teil Der Einheitliche Abwicklungsmechanismus, GesKR 2016, 139 – 158
  • Isabell Koepfer, The principles of the ECB procurement rules, with a special focus on cooperation agreements, p. 290
  • Paul Oberhammer/Katharina Plavec, Ein Jahrzehnt neues österreichisches Schiedsrecht im Spiegel der Rechtsprechung, 21 ZZPInt 2016, 89-117
  • Andreas Witte, When does national law transpose a directive? In: Proceedings of the ESCB Legal Conference 2016, held at the ECB Main Building premises in Frankfurt, 6-7 October 2016 (pp.247-259)
  • Mireia Estrada Canamares, “Operation Sophia before and after UN Security Council Resolution No 2240 (2015)”, in European Papers, Vol. 1, 2016, No 1, pp. 185-191
  • David Baez Seara, Simona Lambrinoc, The external audit of the ECB – an analysis of Article 27 of the ESCB Statute, 2016 ESCB Legal Conference


  • Chiara Zilioli, Emergency Liquidity Assistance between Monetary Policy and Supervision: National Central Bank or Eurosystem Task? in ECB, “From Monetary Union to Banking Union, on the way to Capital Markets Union – New Opportunities for European Integration”, 2015, p. 49-52
  • Antonio Luca Riso ‘The OMT Case from a EU Law perspective’, in H. Siekmann, V. Vig, V. Wieland, eds., The ECB’s Outright Monetary Transactions in the Courts, IMFS Interdisciplinary Studies in Monetary and Financial Stability, 1/2015, pp. 19-29
  • Chiara Zilioli, Commentary to Article 130, 283, 284 TFEU in von der Groeben/Schwarze/Hatje, EUV-/ AEUV-Kommentar, 7. Auflage, Baden-Baden 2015
  • Chiara Zilioli, Georg Gruber, Commentary to Articles 10 and 11 of the Statute of the European Central Bank, in von der Groeben/Schwarze/Hatje, EUV-/ AEUV-Kommentar, 7. Auflage, Baden-Baden 2015
  • Chiara Zilioli, Nikolaus Urban, Commentary to Articles 12 and 15 of the Statute of the European Central Bank, in von der Groeben/Schwarze/Hatje, EUV-/ AEUV-Kommentar, 7. Auflage, Baden-Baden 2015
  • Chiara Zilioli, Martin Selmayr, Commentary to Article 13 of the Statute of the European Central Bank, in von der Groeben/Schwarze/Hatje, EUV-/ AEUV-Kommentar, 7. Auflage, Baden-Baden 2015
  • Chiara Zilioli, Phoebus Athanassiou, Commentary to Article 14 of the Statute of the European Central Bank, in von der Groeben/Schwarze/Hatje, EUV-/ AEUV-Kommentar, 7. Auflage, Baden-Baden 2015
  • Georg John, Das österreichische Pflichtteilsrecht und die EuErbVO. Berührungspunkte und Möglichkeiten eines Pflichtteilsshopping a la carte, Zak 2015, 424-427
  • Klaus Lackhoff, The Framework Regulation for the Single Supervisory Mechanism, International Company and Commercial Law Review 2015, 18-34
  • Klaus Lackhoff/Michael Meissner, Contesting Decisions in the Single Supervisory Mechanism: What Banks Must Observe for a Proceeding at the Administrative Board of Review, J.I.B.L.R 2015, 285 – 295
  • Klaus Lackhoff, Genutzte und ungenutzte Gestaltungsspielräume bei der Errichtung des einheitlichen Aufsichtsmechanismus, in: Posser u.a. (Hrsg.), Liber Amicorum für Dirk Ehlers zum 70. Geburtstag, München 2015, S. 179 – 192
  • Klaus Lackhoff/Seraina Grünewald, Die Bankenunion der EU und ihre Auswirkungen auf den Drittstaat Schweiz, 1. Teil Der Einheitliche Aufsichtsmechanismus, GesKR 2015, 190 – 205
  • Klaus Lackhoff/Julia Baldus, Das Großkreditregime der CRR und Änderungsvorschläge des Baseler Ausschusses, ZBB 2015, 254 –264
  • Katharina Plavec, Die Abschaffung des Exequaturverfahrens durch die Neufassung der EuGVVO, ecolex 2015, 9-11
  • Katharina Plavec, Form und Inhaltserfordernisse gesellschaftsrechtlicher Schiedsklauseln, ecolex 2015, 664-667
  • Andreas Witte, Standing and Judicial Review in the New EU Financial Markets Architecture. Journal of Financial Regulation, vol. 1 (2015), no. 2, pp. 226-262


  • Chiara Zilioli, Antonio Luca Riso, Commentary to Articles 127 130, 132, 283 TFEU, in Pocar-Baruffi, “Breviaria iuris: Commentario breve ai Trattati dell’Unione europea”, seconda edizione, Cedam 2014
  • Chiara Zilioli, Emanuela Carlini, Commentary to Articles 128 - 129 TFEU, in Pocar-Baruffi, “Breviaria iuris: Commentario breve ai Trattati dell’Unione europea”, seconda edizione, Cedam 2014
  • Chiara Zilioli, Fabio Recine, Commentary to Article 282 of the Lisbon Treaty, in Pocar-Baruffi, “Breviaria iuris: Commentario breve ai Trattati dell’Unione europea”, seconda edizione, Cedam 2014
  • Chiara Zilioli, Commentary to Article 284 of the Lisbon Treaty, in Pocar-Baruffi, “Breviaria iuris: Commentario breve ai Trattati dell’Unione europea”, seconda edizione, Cedam 2014
  • Antonio Luca Riso, ‘The power of the ECB to impose sanctions in the context of the SSM’, Bančni vestnik, Letnik 63, Številka 4, April 2014, pp. 32-35 · Apr 1, 2014
  • Klaus Lackhoff/Alexander Glos, Aufsichtsrechtliche Grenzen der Unternehmensfinanzierung aus Unternehmersicht, Eilers/Rödding/Schmalenbach, Handbuch der Unternehmensfinanzierung, 2. Auflage, 2014
  • Klaus Lackhoff, How will the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) Function? A Brief Overview, Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation 2014, 13-28
  • Klaus Lackhoff, Neue Vorgaben des KWG für die Mandatshöchstzahl von Aufsichtsratsmitgliedern, Kreditwesen 2014, 663-666
  • Klaus Lackhoff, The Framework Regulation (FR) for the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) – an Overview, Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation 2014, 498-512
  • Klaus Lackhoff/Hartmut Renz, Wertpapier Compliance als Teil der Corporate Governance von Kreditinstituten, in: Paetzmann/Schöning (Hrsg.), Corporate Governance von Kreditinstituten, Berlin 2014, S. 461 – 498
  • Bernhard Kaiser/Klaus Lackhoff, Bankenunion: Fahrplan und erwartete Auswirkungen, die bank 2014, 16 – 17
  • Klaus Lackhoff/Sabrina Kulenkamp, Neue Vorgaben des KWG für das Verhältnis von variabler und fixer Vergütung bei Kreditinstituten (§ 25a Abs. 5 KWG), AG 2014, 770 – 775
  • Andreas Witte, The Application Of National Banking Supervision Law By The ECB –Three Parallel Modes Of Executing EU Law? Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, vol. 21 (2014), no. 1, pp. 89-109
  • Mireia Estrada Canamares, “A legal approach to joint programming in development cooperation policy: cooperation in action led by Union delegations", in Luis N. González Alonso (ed.), Between autonomy and cooperation: shaping the institutional profile of the European External Action Service, Cleer Working Papers 2014/6
  • David Baez Seara, Beyond Fables: A commentary of the 2014 Google Decision, Ars Iuris Salmanticensis


  • Chiara Zilioli, La Banca Centrale Europea vent’anni dopo: nuove funzioni, nuovi poteri, in Carbone (ed.) L’Unione Europea a vent’anni da Maastricht: verso nuove regole, 2013, p.55-64
  • Klaus Lackhoff/Denise Bauer, Fortbestand eines Aufrechnungsverbots in der Insolvenz, NZI 2013, 427-430
  • Klaus Lackhoff/Hiltrud Thelen-Pischke, Ohne den SRM bliebe der SSM unglaubwürdig – Europa braucht beides, Zeitschrift für das gesamte Kreditwesen 2013, 888-893
  • Klaus Lackhoff, Which Credit Institutions will be Supervised by the Single Supervisory Mechanism?, Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation (J.I.B.LR.) 2013, 454-462
  • Mireia Estrada Canamares, “La coordinación vertical en la acción exterior de la UE: la dimensión jurídica”, Revista electrónica de estudios internacionales, 26


  • Chiara Zilioli, The Legal Response to the Financial Crisis Between 2008 and 2010: the Role and Initiatives of the European Central Bank, in IMF, “Current developments in monetary and financial law, Volume 6: Restoring Financial Stability: The Legal Response”, 2012, p., 155 – 174
  • Klaus Lackhoff, Ist der Forderungseinzug durch den Originator einer True-Sale-ABS-Transaktion ein Finanztransfergeschäft?, Kreditwesen 2012, 503 – 504
  • Klaus Lackhoff/Julia Sophia Habbe, Voraussetzungen und Grenzen der Erstattung von Rechtsverteidigungskosten durch die Gesellschaft bei strafrechtlichen Ermittlungen gegen ein Vorstandsmitglied, NZG 2012, 616 – 618
  • Klaus Lackhoff, Was ist (k)eine Verbriefung?, WM 2012, 1851-1859
  • Andreas Witte, Review of Tobias Straumann: Fixed Ideas of Money. Small States and Exchange Rate Regimes in Twentieth Century Europe. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press 2010. Reviewed in Bankhistorisches Archiv, vol. 38 (2012), no. 1, pp. 91-94
  • Andreas Witte, „Card counting“ im Blackjack aus strafrechtlicher Sicht – Zugleich eine Diskussion der Rechtsprechung zur Berücksichtigung von Wahrscheinlichkeiten im Betrugsstrafrecht. Juristische Rundschau, vol. 2012, no. 3, pp. 97-102
  • Andreas Witte, Gewaltenteilung im Völkerrecht? Zur Frage der rechtlichen Bindung und richterlichen Kontrolle des Sicherheitsrates. Archiv des öffentlichen Rechts, vol. 137 (2012), no. 2, pp. 223-241
  • Andreas Witte, Viel Lärm um nichts? – Wirkung und Normenhierarchie des Völkerrechts im Unionsrecht vor und nach Kadi. Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht, vol. 67 (2012), no. 4, pp. 679-702
  • Andreas Witte, The Greek Bond Haircut: Public and Private International Law and European Law Limits to Unilateral Sovereign Debt Restructuring. Manchester Journal of International Economic Law, vol. 9 (2012), no. 3, pp. 307-338


  • Chiara Zilioli, The New Role of the Institutions as Staff Managers in a Changed Working Environment, in Human Rights Law Journal, vol.31, n.1, 30 June 2011, p.53-56
  • Chiara Zilioli, L’impact de l’évolution de la conception de la gestion des ressources humaines sur le contrôle de légalité, in Révue universelle des droits de l’homme, vol.20 n.1-3, 30 juin 2011, p.55-58
  • Klaus Lackhoff/Johannes Vogel, Hat ein Massegläubiger Anspruch auf Einsicht in die Insolvenzakten?, NZI 2011, 1974 – 1976
  • Andreas Witte, „Zum Golde drängte alles“? – Die Genese des klassischen Goldstandards, diskretionäre Notenbankpolitik und das Klischee von Mythos versus Realität. Bankhistorisches Archiv, vol. 37 (2011), no. 1, pp. 1-61
  • Andreas Witte, Verbot von Kreditratings für Staatsanleihen? Einige Überlegungen zu einer aktuellen Diskussion aus völkerrechtlicher und grundrechtlicher Perspektive. WM Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Bankrecht, vol. 65 (2011), no. 48, pp. 2253-2259


  • Klaus Lackhoff/Martin Schulz, Das Unternehmen als Gefahrenquelle? Compliance Risiken für Unternehmensleiter und Mitarbeiter, CCZ 2010, 81 – 88
  • Andreas Bartsch/Klaus Lackhoff/Florian Schwarz, Accounting of Deferred Taxes in Relation to the „Fund for General Banking Risks“ pursuant to s. 340g of the German Commercial Code, Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation, 2010, 614-619


  • Chiara Zilioli, Martin Selmayr, La Banca centrale europea, Giuffré 2007
  • Chiara Zilioli, Martin Selmayr, Recent Developments in the Law of the European Central Bank, Yearbook of European Law, 2007, p. 1-89
  • Chiara Zilioli, Martin Selmayr, The Constitutional Status of the European Central Bank, Common Market Law Review 2007, vol. 44, p. 355-399


  • Chiara Zilioli, The Constitution for Europe and its impact on the Governance of the Euro, in Torres, Verdun, Zilioli, Zimmermann (eds.) “EMU Rules: The Political and Economic Consequences of European Monetary Integration”, Nomos 2006


  • Chiara Zilioli, National Emergency Powers and Exclusive Community Competences - A Crack in the Dam?, in ECB, “Legal Aspects of the European System of Central Banks (Liber Amicorum Paolo Zamboni Garavelli)”, European Central Bank, 2005, p. 115-133


  • Chiara Zilioli, Accountability and Independence: Irreconcilable Values or Complementary Instruments for Democracy? The Specific Case of the European Central Bank, in Studi parmensi, 2/2004, CEDAM, p. 205- 236


  • Chiara Zilioli, Christian Kroppenstedt, Commentary to Article 34 of the Statute of the European Central Bank and Articles 106 (with , in von der Groeben, Schwarze, “Vertag über die Europäische Union und Vertrag zur Gründung der Europäischen Gemeinschaft, Kommentar”, vol III Nomos 2003
  • Chiara Zilioli, Luca di Preso, Commentary to Articles 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 36, 52 and 106 of the Statute of the European Central Bank, in von der Groeben, Schwarze, “Vertag über die Europäische Union und Vertrag zur Gründung der Europäischen Gemeinschaft, Kommentar”, vol III Nomos 2003
  • Chiara Zilioli, Accountability and Independence: Irreconcilable Values or Complementary Instruments for Democracy? The Specific Case of the European Central Bank, in G Vandersanden ed., “Mélanges en homage à Jean-Victor Louis, ULB 2003 (in English), p. 395-422
  • Klaus Lackhoff, Die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen für das Outsourcing in Kredit- und Finanzdienstleistungsinstituten, in: Kaib (Hrsg), Outsourcing in Banken, 2003


  • Fabian von Lindeiner: Willkür im Rechtsstaat? Die Willkürkontrolle bei der Verfassungsbeschwerde gegen Gerichtsentscheidungen. Berlin, 2002


  • Chiara Zilioli, Martin Selmayr, The law of the ECB, Hart 2001
  • Fabian von Lindeiner: Öffentlich-rechtliche Aspekte des Unternehmenskaufs, in: M&A Review 2001, pages 103-108.
  • Fabian von Lindeiner: Die neue Umwelt-Audit-Verordnung, in: Der Syndikus 2001, pages 7-11.


  • Chiara Zilioli, Martin Selmayr, The European Central Bank, Its System and Its Law, Yearbook of European Law, 2000, p.347-426
  • Chiara Zilioli, Martin Selmayr, The European Central Bank: an independent specialized organization of community law, in Common Market Law Review 2000, vol 37, p. 591-644


  • Chiara Zilioli, The Community legal framework for the transition to the Euro and the role of the European Central Bank, CESIFIN, Firenze, 1999 p. 6 – 22
  • Chiara Zilioli, Martin Selmayr, The European Central Bank, Its System and Its Law, First part, EUREDIA 1999/2, p. 187-230,
  • Chiara Zilioli, Martin Selmayr, The European Central Bank, Its System and Its Law, Second part, EUREDIA 1999/3, p. 307-364,
  • Chiara Zilioli, Martin Selmayr, The External Relations of the Euro Area: Legal Aspects, Common Market Law Review 1999, vol.36, p.273-349
  • Klaus Lackhoff, Die Niederlassungsfreiheit des EGV - nur ein Gleichheits- oder auch ein Freiheitsrecht?, Berlin, 1999


  • Klaus Lackhoff/Harold Nyssens, Direct Effect of Directives in Triangular Situations, European Law Review 1998, 397-413
  • Klaus Lackhoff/Pascal Royla, Die innerstaatliche Beachtlichkeit von EG-Richtlinien und das Gesetzmäßigkeitsprinzip, DVBl. 1998, 1116-1121


  • Chiara Zilioli, Commentary to Articles 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 of the Statute of the European Central Bank, in Groeben, Thiesing, Ehlermann (Hrsg), “Kommentar zum EU-/EG/ Vertrag, Fünfte Auflage”, Nomos 1997
  • Chiara Zilioli, The legal framework for the introduction of the euro in the regulations of the Council of the European Union, in Diritto Comunitario e degli Scambi Internazionali 1997, p. 825-834
  • Klaus Lackhoff/Bernd Raczinski, Umgekehrte Diskriminierung, EWS 1997, 109-117


  • Klaus Lackhoff, Restrictions on State Interference with Commerce in the U.S.A. and the EC, The Columbia Journal of European Law, 2 (1996), 313-337


  • Chiara Zilioli, Il risarcimento del danno derivante da incidenti industriali transnazionali, Giuffré 1995
  • Chiara Zilioli, Choice of Law, in von Bar (Hrsg.), „Internationales Umwelthaftungsrecht I - Auf dem Wege zu einer Konvention über Fragen des Internationalen Umwelthaftungsrechts“ (Carl Heymanns), 1995, p.177 – 194
  • Chiara Zilioli, The application of the subsidiarity principle in the community law of the environment, in Rivista Giuridica dell’Ambiente (Giuffrè), 1995, p. 533 - 559


  • Klaus Lackhoff, Deutsches Wirtschaftsverwaltungsrecht und die Grundfreiheiten der Art. 30, 34, 48, 52 und 59 EGV, Baden-Baden, 1994


  • Chiara Zilioli, Possible consequences of new community legislation on offer to tender, in Mercato Europeo dei prodotti lapidei: previsione per il 1992


  • Chiara Zilioli, Benedettelli, Il giudizio di eguaglianza nell’ordinamento giuridico delle Comunità Europee, in American Journal of International Law 1991, p. 582-584
  • Chiara Zilioli, The Court of Justice describes in more detail the concept of “professional training”, in Foro italiano 1991, IV, p. 281-286


  • Chiara Zilioli, Possible consequences of new community legislation on offer to tender, in Mercato Europeo dei prodotti lapidei: previsione per il 1992, Proceedings of the Conference of 3 June 1989, published on Supplemento ad Economia Apuana n.4 maggio 1990, p.17-22


  • Chiara Zilioli, The opening of intracommunity borders to the professionals: the EEC directive n. 89/48, in Diritto Comunitario e Scambi Internazionali 1989, p. 421-427
  • Chiara Zilioli, Professional training in the EEC, in Foro Italiano 1989, IV, p. 369-380
  • Chiara Zilioli, The Recognition of Diplomas and its Impact on Educational Policies, in De Witte (ed.), “European Community Law of Education”, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft 1989, p. 51-70


  • Chiara Zilioli, Esperienze di amministrazione e documentazione, in Rivista Giuridica dell’Ambiente (Giuffrè), 1988, p. 159 - 160


  • Chiara Zilioli, The Bhopal Case and the Control on Hazardous Activities by Transnational Corporations, in Rivista Giuridica dell’Ambiente 1987, p. 199-251
  • Chiara Zilioli, Recent Developments on Possible Conflicts Between National and EEC Norms, in Diritto Communitario e degli Scambi Internazionali 1987, p. 105-113


  • Chiara Zilioli, The proposal for a EEC Directive on Recognition of Higher Education Diplomas -Interrelations between the Cultural and the Economic Field in the EEC - The Case of the Liberal Professions, in Diritto Comunitario e degli Scambi Internazionali 1986. p. 633-672


  • Chiara Zilioli, Effects of the Ratification of the Co-operation Treaty on Patents - Short Comment of the Statute n. 890 of 12.21.1984, in Diritto Comunitario e degli Scambi Internazionali, 1985, p. 275-278
  • Chiara Zilioli, Gaudenzia Martinengo, Giancarlo Staiano, Giuseppe Vinci, The Community financial instruments for investment in Italy and in the developing countries, CESA-SPISA, Bologna 1985
  • Chiara Zilioli, The Munich Convention on the Issuance of Marriage Capacity Certificates, in Rivista di Diritto Internazionale Privato e Processuale, 1985, p. 789-798


  • Chiara Zilioli, Some Problems Regarding the Application of the New Law on International Adoption, in Rivista di Diritto Internazionale Privato e Processuale, 1984, p. 523-530

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