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Do you want to join the new Digital Euro Market Advisory Group?

14 July 2021

The ECB is setting up a new Digital Euro Market Advisory Group (MAG) and is looking for market participants who are interested in joining it.

The MAG will be composed of market practitioners with proven relevant experience and a broad understanding of the dynamics of the euro area’s retail payments market. Members should leverage their industry know-how and experience and provide input in the interests of the industry as a whole. They will act in a personal capacity, rather than representing their employers.

Potential members should express their interest in joining the MAG by emailing their CVs to DigitalEuro@ecb.europa.eu by 13 September 2021 and answering a number of questions. See here for more information about the MAG’s mandate and the requirements that must be met in order to join the group.

Around 20 market practitioners will be selected to join the MAG, which will operate from October 2021 until the end of the investigation phase in the fourth quarter of 2023. Participation in the Digital Euro Market Advisory Group is not remunerated.

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