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The CEPR/ESI 9th Annual Conference on: Structural Reforms and Economic Growth in Europe

Call for papers - deadline: 15 June 2005

09 - 10 September 2005, Frankfurt am Main

The 9th CEPR/European Summer Institute Annual Conference will take place on 9/10 September 2005 in Frankfurt-am-Main and will be hosted by the European Central Bank. The CEPR/ESI Annual Conferences are also sponsored by the Banco de Portugal, Bank of Finland, the National Bank of Belgium, the National Bank of Hungary, the Nederlandsche Bank and the Oesterreichische Nationalbank. Former conferences were held on 'The Changing European Financial Landscape' in Brussels (1998), 'Fiscal Policy Imbalances, the Monetary Transmission Mechanism and Prudential Supervision' in Lisbon (1999), 'Vivent les Différences?: Heterogeneous Europe' in Amsterdam (2000), 'Old Age, New Economy and Central Banking' in Helsinki (2001), 'Regulatory Changes for European Financial Markets' in Vienna (2002), 'The Euro Area as an Economic Entity' in Eltville (2003) and on 'EMU Enlargement to the East and the West' in Budapest (2004).

The topic of this year's CEPR/ESI Annual Conference will be ‘Structural Reforms and Economic Growth in Europe' and will cover the following sub-areas: (1) the Flexibility of European Labor Markets and Labor Mobility within the EU, (2) the Flexibility of Product Markets, (3) Financial Integration in the EU and the FSAP and (4) the Reform of Pension Systems in the EU. The intention is to have three policy lectures on these sub-areas by senior central bankers. Furthermore, there will be three survey papers on the above topics by reputed academics. Finally, the conference closes with a panel session of senior central bankers as questioners and reputed academics as respondents.

One part of the conference will be reserved for central bank researchers of member countries of the European Union and of the EU candidate countries. Therefore, the organizers of the 2005 CEPR/ESI Annual Conference ask the Research Departments of the EU and candidate countries to submit their best paper related to one of the specified sub-areas above. We would ask that you do this by visiting, completing the registration form and uploading a first copy of your paper. The deadline for replies is 17:00 GMT on Wednesday 15 June 2005. Alternatively, please email Rachel Bedford at with your draft paper or abstract.

The organizers will then select the three best papers for presentation at the conference in a special session of central bank research papers. Moreover, the organizers will award the best of these three papers with the CEPR/ESI Prize 2005 for the Best Central Bank Research Paper.


Sylvester Eijffinger (CentER, Tilburg University and CEPR)
Kees Koedijk (Erasmus University Rotterdam and CEPR)

Frank Smets (European Central Bank and CEPR)

You may also like to read our Guidelines on how to register online for CEPR Meetings at
If you have any difficulties registering for this meeting, please contact Rachel Bedford, Meetings Manager, at or +44 20 7878 2900.


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