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Consolidated financial statement of the Eurosystem as at 14 March 2025

18 March 2025

In the week ending 14 March 2025 the net position of the Eurosystem in foreign currency (asset items 2 and 3 minus liability items 7, 8 and 9) decreased by EUR 1.2 billion to EUR 347.2 billion.

The net balance of open market operations and standing facilities (asset item 5 minus liability items 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 and 4) fell by EUR 1.3 billion to ‑EUR 2,786.2 billion.

Base money (liability items 1, 2.1 and 2.2) decreased by EUR 1.2 billion to EUR 4,565.4 billion.

The table below provides the detailed breakdown of securities held for monetary policy purposes (asset item 7.1) into the different portfolios. All debt securities held in these portfolios are accounted for at amortised cost.

Table 1

Monetary policy securities portfolios

Reported value as at 14 March 2025

Weekly change – purchases [1]

Weekly change – redemptions

Securities Markets Programme

EUR 0.7 billion


-EUR 0.6 billion

Covered bond purchase programme 3

EUR 238.3 billion


-EUR 1.4 billion

Asset-backed securities purchase programme

EUR 5.5 billion


-EUR 0.0 billion

Public sector purchase programme

EUR 2,069.5 billion

-EUR 0.2 billion

-EUR 5.9 billion

Corporate sector purchase programme

EUR 279.4 billion


-EUR 0.7 billion

Pandemic emergency purchase programme

EUR 1,565.1 billion


-EUR 5.9 billion

[1] With the discontinuation of the reinvestments under the asset purchase programme, this column may sometimes show negative amounts. These are expected to be infrequent and would result from sales of securities conducted, for instance, for risk management purposes.

The content and format of the weekly financial statement are set out in Annexes IV to VI of Guideline (EU) 2024/2941 of the European Central Bank of 14 November 2024 on the legal framework for accounting and financial reporting in the European System of Central Banks (ECB/2024/31).


Europeiska centralbanken

Generaldirektorat Kommunikation och språktjänster

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