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For most people a central bank is a rather mysterious institution: it seems to affect their lives only when it raises (or lowers) the interest rate, which makes mortgage repayments more (or less) expensive. But that is only the tip of the iceberg.

The connection between the interest rate, inflation and the ECB's key mission – maintaining price stability – is explained in the materials below.

FACTS series - for central banks, schools and the public

FACTS gives a detailed account of central banking in the EU. It is a series of slides and hand-outs which speakers can use to put together presentations.

Downloads and instructions

Overview by topic: European integration Organisation Monetary policy Banknotes and Coins

Price stability: video and brochure for schools

Meet the inflation monster!

For young teenagers and teachers there is material on "Price stability: why is it important for you?" It comprises an eight-minute video, a leaflet for students and a booklet for teachers.